Walt Disney Animation Studios 60th feature, Encanto, tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift from super strength to the power to healevery child except one, Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, the only ordinary Madrigal, might just be her exceptional familys last hope.Isabela Madrigal from Disneys Encanto comes wearing her signature outfit and accessories! Just like in the film, Isabelas stunning lavender dress features beautiful ruffle details on her collar and sleeves. Her delicate skirt is decorated with gorgeous pink, purple, and blue flowers, just like her dress in Encanto! Isabelas stunning flower hair clip and purple espadrille shoes complete her classic look. With this Isabela Madrigal doll, you can pretend you have flower powers too!
- FROM DISNEY’S ENCANTO MOVIE: Inspired by Disney’s Encanto! Relive your favorite scenes and story moments with you collectible fashion dolls!
- RECREATE YOUR FAVORITE SCENES: Set includes Mirabel, Pepa, Felix, Dolores, Camilo, Isabela, and Bruno!
- STORYTELLING ACCESSORIES: Play out the iconic scene with Bruno’s vision, Felix’s umbrella, a flower for Isabela, a chameleon for Camilo, and Bruno’s rat friend!
- 3” TALL, PERFECT FOR ON-THE-GO PLAY: Dolls stand at 3” tall, and are articulated at the shoulders and hips to pose and play out your favorite Encanto scenes!
- Includes: 7 Dolls, 2 Ponchos, 4 Accessories, 1 Chip Vision Piece
- Suggested for Ages 3+ (small parts)
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https://prod.globalrsinc.com/LawLabelLookup/Walmart and enter [0000192995226180]
Features: Collectible, Poseable
Age Range: 3 Years & Up
Brand: Encanto
Skin Tone: Deep
Warranty information: Limited 90 Day WarrantyPlease be aware that the warranty terms on items offered for sale by third party Marketplace sellers may differ from those displayed in this section (if any). To confirm warranty terms on an item offered for sale by a third party Marketplace seller, please use the 'Contact seller' feature on the third party Marketplace seller's information page and request the item's warranty terms prior to purchase.
Warranty url: https://www.jakks.com/warranty/
CHOKING HAZARD - Children Under 3: This toy is not suitable for ages under 3 years. It contains one or more of the following items: marbles, small ball, or small parts.